Spend what aligns with your budget and preferences on an engagement ring. The outdated "2 - 3 months of your salary" stigma isn't necessary. Beautiful rings are available at great prices.   

Engagement Ring Price Breakdown

Before diving into buying the perfect ring, it's crucial to debunk some myths and clarify some common misconceptions.

Average Spending Trends:

The average engagement ring cost is around $5,500! Yet, many individuals choose a more budget-friendly option. These options still range between $1,000 to $3,000...


Outdated Spending Trends:

The well aged notion of spending 2 - 3 months of your salary on an engagement ring originated from a 1930s De Beers advertisement. However, in today's economic landscape, such expenditures can be impractical and unnecessary.


Realities of Modern Spending:

Comparing financial norms from decades ago to today's costs of living reveals sharp differences. With the increasing expenses of housing, education, and daily essentials, adhering to old-fashioned spending rules is incredibly unrealistic for many.


Determining Your Budget:

Setting a budget for the ring is a personal decision influenced by various factors such as income, lifestyle, and financial goals. Financial experts suggest not exceeding 1 month's pay for the ring, emphasizing that a smaller investment can yield just as much satisfaction.


Navigating Affordable Options:

The emergence of simulated gemstones offers an attractive alternative to traditional gemstones. These simulated gems possess similar brilliance and allure at a fraction of the cost, providing couples with elegant yet affordable choices. In a lot of cases, people tend to agree that simulated stones are much prettier and shinier than traditional stones.


Talk to Your Partner:

Discussing budget preferences with your partner is crucial before making any financial commitments. Understanding each other's perspectives can help align expectations and ensure a mutually satisfying decision that doesn't break your bank.



Exploring Optimal Options

When considering budget-friendly engagement rings, it's essential to prioritize quality and aesthetics. Here are some key factors to consider:

Material Selection: Go for high-quality yet economical materials which offer durability and style without the hefty price tag.

Simulated Stones: Simulated gemstones replicate the sparkle and allure of typical stones at a more accessible price point, making them an appealing option for budget-wise buyers.

Practical Strategies: Start with a temporary proposal ring, then upgrade later if desired. Consider purchasing wedding bands as a set to save on overall costs.

Overall Wedding Budget: Factor in engagement ring costs within your overall wedding budget, considering expenses like venue, attire, and honeymoon plans. Prioritize spending based on your collective financial goals and aspirations.


Remembering the Essence

Ultimately, the significance of an engagement ring lies not in its price tag but in the love and commitment it symbolizes. At AUVIVA, we strive to offer the most affordable yet stunning options that celebrate your unique bond without financial strain. Explore our collections to find the perfect ring that reflects your love story without spending thousands of dollars.